The Initiative
The Initiative is a guided 12 week, student driven studio experience. It’s a mentorship with me that results in each student creating a collection of their own work through self expression. The experience is buttoned up with a student show at the end.
I’m here to help guide you and support you in your endeavor to bring the art inside of you onto the surface through journal prompts expressive exercises and many one on one conversations about direction. We will talk about how to price your work and how to display it. It’s basically everything I wish I had received years ago.
It’s dedicated studio time to pour into your work with the support of me and the other artists in the mentorship. It can be a bit of a vulnerable experience. We tend to get close with one another and there is often laughter and tears. It has always been such a beautiful place of diving deep and opening up to the art inside of you and the connection around the table is just so lovely.
What do you bring?
Each student will be responsible for their own supplies including display supplies such as mats and frames. There are many affordable options for these and I will help direct you to those options.
When will the initiative be held?
Jan 19 - March 16 (show on the 16th!) : Sundays 1-4pm
Are there make up times?
Yes! additional, optional studio time and make up time for any missed Sundays will be held on Fridays. Time tbd. (This means if you will miss some Sundays or need extra studio time, Fridays will be open to you.)
If you have questions about whether or not you are ready for this leap, please reach out and we can discuss. But if you have that inkling that something what’s to come out of you, that you want to express something through your work, this might be a great for for you.
Please get the thumbs up from me that you are indeed a good fit before purchasing this program.
Cost: $700 with a $50 off code for current and returning students. (when you reach out for approval, I will give you the code)
Seats are limited to 8 participants.
The Initiative
The Initiative is a guided 12 week, student driven studio experience. It’s a mentorship with me that results in each student creating a collection of their own work through self expression. The experience is buttoned up with a student show at the end.
I’m here to help guide you and support you in your endeavor to bring the art inside of you onto the surface through journal prompts expressive exercises and many one on one conversations about direction. We will talk about how to price your work and how to display it. It’s basically everything I wish I had received years ago.
It’s dedicated studio time to pour into your work with the support of me and the other artists in the mentorship. It can be a bit of a vulnerable experience. We tend to get close with one another and there is often laughter and tears. It has always been such a beautiful place of diving deep and opening up to the art inside of you and the connection around the table is just so lovely.
What do you bring?
Each student will be responsible for their own supplies including display supplies such as mats and frames. There are many affordable options for these and I will help direct you to those options.
When will the initiative be held?
Jan 19 - March 16 (show on the 16th!) : Sundays 1-4pm
Are there make up times?
Yes! additional, optional studio time and make up time for any missed Sundays will be held on Fridays. Time tbd. (This means if you will miss some Sundays or need extra studio time, Fridays will be open to you.)
If you have questions about whether or not you are ready for this leap, please reach out and we can discuss. But if you have that inkling that something what’s to come out of you, that you want to express something through your work, this might be a great for for you.
Please get the thumbs up from me that you are indeed a good fit before purchasing this program.
Cost: $700 with a $50 off code for current and returning students. (when you reach out for approval, I will give you the code)
Seats are limited to 8 participants.